My name is Margitte and it is my absolute pleasure to meet you!
Writing books is hard work, and reviewing them is not. It is one of the greatest pleasures of all time.
There is nothing more rewarding than grabbing a book and whiling away some time waiting for an appointment, or sitting in the hot African sun waiting for hubsters doing his rounds of vehicle-, farming-, conservation and other shoptalk on his version of Mars. And won't you believe it?! I absolutely LOVE rugby on Saturday afternoons! Yes, I dish up some chips 'n dips, choccies, and peanuts; splash out on ice buckets, trash cans and everything else promising a passionate afternoon for Troglodytes, with their often-painted faces and Springbuck t-shirts.
I smile right around my head while welcoming them, give hubby a kiss and leave them be in the living room. For several hours I have the quiet bedroom to myself, and fabulous books to read as company. There are different ways of getting a game plan to work, you know. That's mine.
I have spent most of my adult life working with people, in groups. Doing community development research, working in the university library, and currently, and for many years, keeping them happy as tourists on our property.
One of my side-kick jobs was to compile television - and radio programs, and act as production manager on the shoots. It included programs on cultures, conservation, and bucolic lifestyles.
Just about everything I did, and still do, involve large numbers of people. Need I say more? Books do for me what people cannot. Here's a clue: it has to do with equilibrium(read sanity)...
As an amateur botanist I am actively involved in compiling a database of plants in our region. That keeps me crawling, climbing, and cavorting with the creepy crawlies in the mountains, gorges, rivers and savannas of dear Mother Africa. "Bookish nerd" comes to mind, for sure. And if the term is defined by a joyous pirouette, or a jubilant jive in the middle of nowhere, when a new species confronts me, then yes, count me in.
My garden confirms the transitional zone between humans and nature and I spend long hours working in it. Our family share the garden with all the wild life, known and unknown, on this earth. So much so that we recently started to cage the vegetables!
Linguistically I am not the brightest peanut in the packet. English is a second language of four. So pardon the absence of excellence on this blog. Thank you kindly!
A latest craze is to learn the art of painting. Well yes, uhumm, yes, it is going well me!
I am also a guest columnist for a regional newspaper. That is, when I have time for writing besides reading, cooking, gardening, day job, painting, reading, entertaining, sleeping, reading.Yes I know, thank you, it is tough to be me right now!
Motto in life: "I live life with passion, compassion, a sense of humor and some style."- Dr. Maya Angelou
Thank you for visiting my blog. Please feel free to make yourself at home, and if you decide to follow, leave me a link to yours and I would be very happy to follow back. Have a great one, and if you need anything, let me know.

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