Something Wordy is my blog where I share my free reviews for latest books that have been received through NetGalley, and other sources. This blog promotes books for authors by posting reviews about them. If I did not relate to a book well, I do not post a review for it.
Reviewing books is the next best thing to writing them, and since I do not plan to become an author, I prefer to indulge in sharing a love for the written word with friends and fellow-bibliophiles.
BOOK GENRES I READ: I read a wide variety of books from all over the world. Historical fiction (not historical romance, please note) is my ultimate favorite. Family dramas; Memoirs; sometimes Chic-lit. Other favorite genres: Detective, Mystery and Contemporary (realistic) fiction.
BOOK GENRES I DO NOT READ: Children's books; Christian fiction; Dystopian; Fantasy; Romance, Paranormal; Science Fiction; Spiritual or any other religion; Philosophy; Young Adult; New Adult; Adult / Erotica, Horror. Books containing explicit sex and/or violence, is a no-go. There are just too many other books I really want to read first. You do not want to get the hero of heroine killed in the review, do you? Then please do not send the wrong book to me for a free review.
Please consider the following: Accepting a free book for a free review does not imply that it is a perk. Spending time to read it, write a review, cross-post it to various sites to help promote the book, has a significant impact after translating the hours spent on it into a monetary value. Per hour, it can become an impressive amount that the publishers and author gets for free. Reading a book which sells for anything between $4 to $14.00, receives a benefit of at least $200 of free marketing in return, depending on the rate per hour the reviewer could have earned somewhere else. That does not include the hundreds of hours spent by the reviewer in promoting a blog and attracting followers to impress the publishers. I do not get involved in this networking of books unless I am getting paid. So kindly accept my blogs and free services as offered on my blogs.
With that in mind, please make sure:
1) The book is a free-standing book with a definite ending;
2) has seen the inside of a professional editors office;
3) and the story line is powerful enough to survive independently from sex and violence.
4) I stopped reading frilly and flowery romantic stories when I was eighteen years old and that is a few centuries ago. I have permanently stopped reading them, so do yourself a favor and keep those books away from me!!
5) Make sure the book blurb reflects the exact content of the book, including violence, sex or sugarcoated romance.
The number of books on this site does not reflect the number of books I have read, reviewed and presented to audiences in my life. These sites - Something Wordy and Books By Choice was started on the 1st of October 2013 and will only contain the books I have read or added to Goodreads since joining in 2012 and not even all of them.
Book reviews by me can be found on:
1) Something Wordy - for new releases and other fun stuff, where you are now.
2) Books by Choice - from Margitte's Wingback - for books I enjoyed through a lifetime of reading.
I am a member of:
- Netgalley My reviews are cross-posted on the following sites:
- Booklikes
- Shelfari
- The Library Thing
- Amazon
- Barnes & Noble
I have a full time stressful job, work very long hours and read books as a passion, but also to restore equilibrium and perspective. I was born a reader. If you enjoy my reviews and accept my review policy, kindly email me at margitte123 at g mail dot com. I handle books in epub or mobi(kindle-for-pc) formats.
Best wishes

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